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Jan 31, 2023

Beware - Inconsiderate Truck Drivers on Farm Track

31st October 2022

Lunchtime 31st October 2022 and my neighbour comes to our door shaken and distressed. It seems she was walking back from Rosyth along the farm track when she was aware of a large vehicle behind her. Looking round she could see it was a delivery truck taking up the whole width of the track. She put up her hand acknowledging the truck and asking for time to walk to where she could safely step to one side. It didn’t work – the truck kept going and she was forced into the hedge to let it pass. 

I was quite cross (a bit of an understatement!) and went along to politely ask the driver what the heck he thought he was doing. He didn’t deny it – he thought my neighbour hadn’t heard him and was expecting her to get out of the way. He didn’t want to stop because he was worried about getting stuck in the mud – apparently more important than a pedestrian’s safety.

My neighbour has reported the incident to the police via 101 and I’m pleased to report the call handler took the incident very seriously and she has received a call back from a sympathetic policeman.

The next day a villager reported lots of new signs, and not before time! It is a pity it took an incident for anything to be done about it and it’s a pity the warning is for pedestrians to beware rather than a warning to construction traffic to be careful. Any number of warning notices will not make it safer for walkers.

by PH655192 19 Apr, 2023
19 April 2023
14 Feb, 2023
29 November 2022
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